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"Truly Fiduciary Fee-Based Only"
When you do better, so do we.

You can find Investment Advise in thousands of places, but trust is hard to find. Trust has to be earned.
Fiduciary: Involving trust, especially with regard to the
relationship between a Client and his or her Registered
Investment Advisory. Required by Law to act in the best
interest of its Clients at all times.
relationship between a Client and his or her Registered
Investment Advisory. Required by Law to act in the best
interest of its Clients at all times.
EB Financial Planning is a Fiduciary Registered Investment Advisory committed to providing personalized,
sound and independent financial advice. Experience and knowledge, in addition to a commitment of a lifelong process of learning and continuing education, is what we represent. EB Financial Planning is encumbered to:
sound and independent financial advice. Experience and knowledge, in addition to a commitment of a lifelong process of learning and continuing education, is what we represent. EB Financial Planning is encumbered to:
*Put the interests of our clients before our
own when giving advice
own when giving advice
*Act with utmost due care and in good faith
*Never mislead our clients
*Provide full disclosure of all material facts
*Provide full disclosure
of any conflicts of interest
*Perform due diligence on all our recommendations
In the past, issues regarding corporate malfeasance, tainted analyst research reports, mutual fund illegal late trading, along with the Madoff-like scandals, prompted the mission for EB Financial Planning. In an industry where unbiased recommendations are hard to find, we differentiate ourselves as Independent Fiduciaries.
We accept no commissions
Therefore we are never pressured to push any products. This allows us the ability to choose from hundreds of investment choices in order to find what is right for you. Our compensation is tied to your performance.
When you do better, so do we.
Why Choose EB Financial Planning?
*100% Satisfaction Pledge: If you are not completely
satisfied with EB Financial Planning’s Investment
Advisory Services, we will waive your subsequent
Quarterly Investment Advisory Fee.
*Six-Month Test Drive: New Private Clients with a minimum investment of $500,000 may try EB Financial Planning’s Investment Advisory Services without being billed for Advisory Fees for up to 180 calendar days.
*Environmental, Social and Religious Governance: Make an impact on the World by making your Portfolio ESG/ESRG friendly.
*IRA401KTuneup.com: IRA or Company Sponsored
Retirement Account Portfolio Recomendations. Retirement Cashflow Analysis services both available at a fixed price.
*Employee Stock Ownership Planning (ESOP): Risk & tax
management services for those over weighted in
Employer Stock or options.
*Company Retirement Plan Investment Advisory:
Establishment and managment of Company Sponsored
Retirement Plans.
*Deacon Missions: Investment Education and Pro Bono
Financial Planning for those with limited resources. Reduced Investment Advisory Fees for
Houses of Worship.
*Benevolent Buddy Program: Choose from a list of preapproved 501(C)(3) Charities to receive 10% of any
Investment Advisory Fees billed to your account(s)
at no cost to you or the Charity.
*Please click on the ADV II & Schedule H Brochure link
to see the details of the Services
EB Financial Planning provides, including fees.
If you are not familiar with our company and your first
contact with us is online, please let us know how we could
be of service to you. We can be reached toll free at 877-
Exec-Biz (877-393-2249), via email at info@877Exec.Biz,
by US Mail: Executive Business Financial Planning, LLC
44 Moore Avenue Dumont, NJ. 07628.
Click on Inquiry/Contact Us link
contact with us is online, please let us know how we could
be of service to you. We can be reached toll free at 877-
Exec-Biz (877-393-2249), via email at info@877Exec.Biz,
by US Mail: Executive Business Financial Planning, LLC
44 Moore Avenue Dumont, NJ. 07628.
Click on Inquiry/Contact Us link